Multiplier Events

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Do you think that Education could change our world?

Based on the “Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world” the ProfESus...

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International Education Conference 2018

„enabling - provocation - reflection“

Education 4.0 - Promotion of Sustainable Development through Innovative Teaching

University College for...

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ProfESus at Home Economics Conference hosted by the Caribbean Association of Home Economists Inc. (CAHE)

The concept for and the findings of the ProfESus blended learning teacher training to implement education for sustainability into education for...

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Multiplier Event Finland, Helsinki - 2018

EUROPEAN PROFESUS MULTIPLIER EVENT on 16th and 17th January 2018

Implementing a sustainable mindset – Innovative Teacher Story

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Multiplier Event Germany, Bonn - 2017

Context of the Multiplier event

The first Multiplier Event was measured against the following objectives:

  • Implemented project and practice...
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